Okay, so here's Gina's deal. Soon after we moved here Gina weasled a ride out of us. We were just getting back from somewhere, and she convinced us to take her to the bank. Fortunately that did not actually start a trend of that happening all the time. During that trip she shared some of her life story with us. According to her, she was some kind of big shot Church's Chicken manager. (And yes, I do believe "big shot Church's Chicken manager" is an oxymoron.) She was then in some kind of catastrophic accident. I think it was a car accident. She had a brain injury and needed numerous surgeries, and she never fully recovered.
My take: that is plausible. If I was doing a full assessment, I would need to rule out substance abuse, and I would want to screen for thought disorders. I want a copy of all recent neurological reports and labs. But, I'm not doing any of that. I'm just her neighbor.
That brings us to tonight. I was leaving the building to go for a walk, and I noticed that the front door was open. That door is locked, and sometimes neighbors will prop it open. I don't like that for two reasons: first, keeping the door locked maintains some kind of control over who comes in the building, and second, people sit outside and smoke, so it can get really smoky inside when that door is open. I discovered that the door was actually held open by a rock shoved between the door and door frame. That means that one of our neighbors is smarter than I would have given any of them credit for. Well, I pulled the rock out and shut the door.
I was starting to walk away when I saw Gina. She asked me if I thought the rock got in there by itself, and I assured her that I didn't think that. I said that if she was the one who put it in there, I would put it back since she was there and hadn't left the area. (Plus, she wasn't smoking at that point. She seemed to just be standing aimlessly on the sidewalk.) She said that I didn't need to worry about it because she was going in, so I unlocked the door for her and stood there holding it for her to go in. Then she started talking to me more. It's difficult to track her statements during any extended conversations. She jumps from one topic to another and often does not provide enough context for me to really understand exactly what she is talking about.
This is all I know for sure...she made the following statements, and I made only minimal responses, mostly because I had no idea what she was talking about for most of it:
"You always lose the thing you need the most."
"At least I didn't lose my money. I paid the rest from my food and my mouth. (Her foot was broken when we moved in. I have no idea what was wrong with her mouth.) My son paid part of it, and I was like 'Ah lawd. He's helping.'"
"So blessed."
"...realized I hadn't heard my phone in awhile..."
"...just trying not to cry..."
"I was ready for him to straighten my toe, but I wasn't ready..."
"...15 flights of stairs..."
And, at that point Gina busted out crying and ran into the building. I just shouted after her "I hope you find your phone" because I surmised that she might have lost her cell phone. I haven't seen her since then.