Friday, December 21, 2012

Views out of our Windows

None of these are super recent, and none of these are particularly unusual.

I'm not sure what was wrong with this guy, but whatever
problem he had caused two police cars, two ambulances,
and a fire truck to come to our little corner.

The first vehicle that responded to his situation.

Gina digging through the dumpster.

Some sweet dumpster finds.

Starting to carry the stuff but walking in the wrong direction...?
The amazing thing here is that we just never know what we are going to see out of our windows. For example, last night several people were out in the parking lot yelling and carrying about at 10pm on a very windy snowy cold night. Such good times.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gardening in GL

A few months ago Brad the maintenance man replaced our shower and did a generally shitty job. Almost immediately one corner on the outside kept continually getting moldy even though we were doing our very best to keep it dry. One day I noticed the above--a small plant was growing out of the corner of the bathtub inside of our bathroom. Disgusting, right? I texted Brad the same picture that is above, and he was actually extremely responsive. He came the next business day and sealed things a little better. Thus far, we have not had a reemergence of the bean.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Merry Christmas from NOLD

I had just gotten home from work (like, literally just walked through the door) when there was a knock on the door. Typically we try to ignore these because they typically bring something unpleasant, but I felt sure that whoever it was knew that I had just gotten home. Thus, I answered it. It was NOLD. She was bringing by Christmas presents for her "Sweety-Girls" (yep, that's Lizzy and me) since she knew we'd be traveling for Christmas break (you know, since we are the "College Girls"). She was very nice, and the gift bag had two identical mugs with attached mints, and each mug was labelled ("Elizabeth" and "Jessica").

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Brief Gina update

I got the following text from Lizzy today when she was home studying for an exam, and I was at work: "Gina called the cops again. Said someone 'tore up' the back of her apt & then took off. Shes been knocking on everyones doors & screaming @ our window."

My response: "Omg. She needs a hospital."

Lizzy: "She is a nut. Cops left. Shes been pacing the apt bldg & keeps asking 2 talk 2 bad moms mom."

I haven't observed anything interesting or out of the ordinary since I've been home, which is a very good thing.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oh Gina

When Lizzy got home around 8 tonight, the police were outside of our apartment building, but she didn't know why. Then, around 9:45 there was some serious banging on the outside front door of the apartment. Lizzy thought it might be the cops again, so I looked out the window. I saw a man get into a white SUV that was parked in the middle of the road. I was narrating his actions for Lizzy when he saw me looking out of the window. He started waving his arms and shouting at me, "HELP! HELP ME!" My method of helping a random man who is parked in the middle of the road involves calling the police. I explained to the 911 operator that a man was parked literally in the middle of the road shouting "HELP!" and a cop car came a few minutes later. When the cop got out of his car, the man started driving away. The cop turned on his lights and called for backup. They approached the man, and it turns out that he was Crackhead Gina's pastor, and he was trying to return some items to her. The first cop then said that he was just here with Gina, who was having a "medical issue." He then called the police station to see "if there was anyway" that they could get into our building. Around that time, someone else (probably NOLD) let them in the building. The cops pounded and pounded on Gina's door before discovering that it was unlocked. They went in and woke her up. They left her items just inside her door and told her to go back to sleep. The cops apologized to the pastor for the misunderstanding, and they all laughed like old buddies.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

JB and Friends

I'm sorry for slacking so much lately on keeping my fans informed about GL. Here's an anecdote from a friend of a friend who also lives in GL:

So here's what happened to us last night:
We had just finished eating and were watching TV on the couch (which is right near the front door), when someone knocked at the door, then smashed in one of the window panels on the door with a baseball bat. I jumped up, grabbed Kiwi, and Erik (thinking it was someone breaking in) yelled "GO AWAY" in a manly voice and picked up the closest heavy object, a stoneware bowl from dinner (lol) for protection. But then the people weren't trying to come in, they were yelling, so I went to the door and opened the curtain and it is two 18-20 year old girls with baseball bats yelling "WHERE'S JB??" So I was like "What? There's no JB here" and they are like "BULLSHIT, HE JUST DROPPED ME OFF HERE AN HOUR AGO" and I'm like, "No, he didn't, I don't know anyone named JB!" So I argue with them for a few minutes, and I'm like, "he probably lives next door," and eventually one of them goes "Oh shit, he does live next door" and they start walking next door.
So I call the police, while Erik goes outside. There is an older guy with them, just standing back (I think he was there to protect them in case JB attacked them or something). So Erik said "You can't just go breaking people's windows." as the girls go and smash the neighbor's windows, and the guy said "Yeah, but if you knew what JB did to them..." or something like that.  So then the people walk off down the street, and the guy told Erik "If you don't call the cops, I'll come fix it tomorrow." Well I had already called the cops, and they arrived like 1 minute later, but the people were gone. We filed a report, but the cop said there's not much they can do since it's criminal mischief and the cops didn't witness it.
Then the cop leaves, and like 30 minutes later, we hear the neighbors yelling "omigod, what happened here?? the windows are broken!" We go outside and it is a woman, a guy, and a girl, so I say to the guy "Are you JB?" and he says ".....I know him" (and I'm thinking, ok, you are him), so I explain what happened.  So, he calls the cops, exaggerating and saying "people broke into my house and stole my stuff" (he is obviously an idiot), gives them his name, Johnny Bradley (obviously JB), along with the names of the girls who did it.
Erik and I left, Erik used wood to temporarily fix the window, and the maintenance guy from our rental company is working on it now. We still have no idea what JB did to the girls. The idiots not only broke our window, but also JB's windows, and the window of the apartment next to his.